
Monday, November 26, 2012

Art Update (sales and promotion)

SO my prices are basically $1 per inch on the longest side. The biggest canvas I am ab;e to get is a 16x20" canvas board, that is minus the frame or any hanging additions, in which case The price of those is added, so the price of a simple piece on a 16x20" board, no frame, or hangings is $20. I do these paintings with acrylic. Oils are twice that, because it's more expensive paint and it's harder to work with. Recent things I've done :


 Most of these paintings were done for friends or family. Poe-a-tree is a hard edge abstract paining that took several days to complete, it's a very complex work that revolves around the work of Edgar Allen Poe, of course.

Blue Cat
Some paintings were previously made, such as Blue Cat, and wait eagar buyers. Blue Cat is a realistic abstract that took maybe 5 hours to complete.

Glow Smoke
I have buyers of all types, and I refuse to judge them by their taste. Some one had asked me to paint a bong and some mushrooms, and I asked if they'd like them to glow. The answer was "Hell yes" so I painted a special glow in the dark, black light Painting that is also textured, you can feel the highlights in the bong and the mushroom, as well as the smoke.

The horse was a piece someone had asked for to give to their daughter, so i had to make sure it was soft looking and gentle. She loved it.

If you would like to help me promote my work, please send a link of my blog to anyone who may be interested, i'd much appreciate it. If you're interested in buying work email (

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I'm an artist, I'd like to get out there as much as I can, please share my page and email me for some work. My prices are low and vary by specifications.